So I got PUP to 20 a couple days ago, and got my 2nd automaton upgrade. I went with Sharpshot frame first at level 10, then Stormwaker at 20. I haven't had any time to play around with Stormwaker yet, so I'll probably get around to that later this week. PUP does do some decent damage at lower levels when you factor in the automaton. My Sharpshot was at times outdamaging me, and frequently got itself killed D: I don't plan on taking PUP too high though, but it's a nice change of pace.
Soloing some fields of valor and getting some beastseals is not too shabby either. I was able to make get another BC60 orb and went to 2box it with Ark. Once again, no Kraken Club :( I'm starting to think if they really drop from the BCNM. I must be something in the range of 0/10 2boxing this thing. I've probably done another 6+ runs with Fuuji and Nuyu (with their orbs) and still no drop! Looking at wiki, it says "0 to 1 of:" Walkure's Mask, Kraken club. I've gotten a Walkure's mask drop before... and if that's true that they are in the same category of drops... I'm sad. That means I've gotten close :( Now to save another 60 orbs for another run. At the least, I make a somewhat quick 60k from npcing the items I get.
Sunday xp... it's been a while, but today was the first time in about 3 weeks? Still no Fuu, that slacker. I got 2 levels on MNK and stopped it at 63. Another AP onry party and we ending up doing some Puks, and then some Colibris. Pretty decent xp.
So I wanted to try out some KS99 action, so I went along Wu's KS99 run. Turtle run in Palborough. Grats to Wu on his adamantoise egg. I forgot to take some screens of the actual fight, but I did manage these...

Here's another taru perspective shot... to accompany the one I took a few weeks earlier ^^;
I see Vanh is an equal opportunity upskirt photo taker!
Those 2 pictures are really hot
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